Automation Guide
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Automation Triggers
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Automation - Triggers

An automation trigger acts as the "switch" that initiates an automation when specific conditions are met. Consider a Trigger as: When a specific event occurs (the Trigger) and certain conditions hold true, then the resulting event (the Action) takes place.

HTTP If ChangeHTTP If ChangeAutomatically trigger when HTTP response changes are detected.
SchedulerSchedulerAutomatically executes actions when the set time is reached.
Webhook ReceivedWebhook ReceivedIncoming webhooks allow apps to post messages to via a unique URL using a JSON payload.
Record CreatedRecord CreatedExecutes actions when a new record is added to the database.
Record MatchRecord MatchExecutes actions when a new or edited record meets the criteria.
Manually RunManually RunExecute action when triggered by user's manual click.
Datetime Field ReminderDatetime Field ReminderAutomatically execute actions when a datetime field in the record approaches or reaches a specific date.
Form SubmittedForm SubmittedExecutes actions when a form is submitted.
Inbound EmailInbound EmailAutomatically execute actions when an email is received.
Member JoinedMember JoinedExecutes actions when a new member joins the space. (Coming Soon)
Button Field ClickButton Field ClickPerform action when clicking the button in the database button field. (Coming Soon)
bika cta