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Release Notes

v0.9.12 Release Notes

Release Date: February 28, 2025

🚀 New Features and Template Enhancements

New Features

  • Self-hosted versions now support SSO login configuration
  • Spaces can now be deleted when no longer needed
  • "Loop" action now supports selecting array data from more actions

New Template Released

  • "Relationship Care", helping individuals efficiently manage interpersonal relationship activities

Template Updates

  • "AI Batch Image Recognition", optimized documentation for better user comprehension
  • "AI Automated Product R&D Management", improved documentation for better usability
  • "Scheduled reminder for Feishu group messages", optimized help documentation
  • "AI Automated Task Management", enhanced automation capabilities and help documentation
  • "Stock Trend News Roundup", optimized "Run Script" issues for improved stability

✨ UI/UX Improvements

  • Optimized the interaction experience when creating resource nodes, supporting direct creation of blank resources, reducing operation steps and improving efficiency
  • Optimized "Single Select" and "Multi Select" field values to display text according to width, enhancing visual comfort
  • Optimized and adjusted form styles for more intuitive form usage
  • Improved interface interaction experience for "Manually Run", increasing operational convenience

🔧 Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where OpenAPI didn't return child node lists when getting folder node details
  • Fixed an issue where "Single select" and "Multi Select" fields were being filled with empty values during Excel incremental import
  • Fixed group sorting not taking effect
  • Fixed "Link" field only showing records from the first view when selecting related items
  • Fixed inconsistency between dashboard and view displays when filtering users as "Me(current visitor)"
  • Fixed error when users with "Can view" permissions tried to enter comments in records
  • Fixed issue where private resources were affected when space initial permissions button was enabled
  • Fixed nested purple borders appearing after activating cells under "Percentage" fields
  • Fixed missing data in the "Recipients" input field of the "Send Email" action after exporting .bika files
  • Fixed calculation type fields appearing in downloaded incremental import templates
  • Fixed view movement operations not being saved in the database editor
  • Fixed importing empty options when "Single Select" and "Multi Select" fields had no values during Excel incremental import
  • Fixed displaying old group names after modifying group names
  • Fixed inability to delete databases containing "Link" fields
  • Fixed missing field addition entry point in databases
  • Fixed ascending and descending sort results showing the same outcome in grouping
  • Fixed invisible icons in light theme
  • Fixed missing original grouping configurations after template installation
  • Fixed field type icon colors appearing too light in light theme
  • Fixed incorrect font size display in "Report" body text and titles
  • Fixed inability to scroll down using trackpad when previewing folder descriptions
  • Fixed selected members not being displayed in record details in light theme
  • Fixed save button visibility when saving automation triggers or actions in light theme
  • Fixed API errors when saving automation triggers
  • Fixed API errors when modifying form names
  • Fixed issue where regular members could still find and edit unauthorized folders through global search even after space admins enabled "Customize initial access permissions for resources"
  • Fixed inability to enable multilingual configuration after adding descriptions to databases
  • Fixed missing tooltip when hovering over template certification badges
  • Fixed issues with restoring deleted files from the trash
  • Fixed system notification messages not automatically updating when new mission appear
  • Fixed slow response after saving in the resource editor
  • Fixed missing popup when administrators click the "Share and permissions" button
  • Fixed unexpected page refresh when clicking on resource lists
  • Fixed "Lookup" field displaying content as text when referencing "URL" fields
  • Fixed page crashes when adding related records when the first column is a "Member" field
  • Fixed incorrect file position display when resource files move downward in resource node lists
  • Fixed dashboard crashes when "Lookup" fields were used as dashboard statistical fields
  • Fixed unknown errors when changing form logos
  • Fixed "Lookup" fields not being grayed out when referencing unsupported fields
  • Fixed identical data appearing in two groups when grouping by "Rating" field in the view editor
  • Fixed incorrect dashboard statistics when summing by specified fields
  • Fixed API errors when switching resource nodes
  • Fixed linked records only showing records from one view when linked databases had multiple views
  • Fixed loading failures when clicking task jump buttons for mission with non-existent associated databases or records
  • Fixed record details opening when right-clicking and canceling on record cards
  • Fixed inconsistency between automation start/stop button status and display in the left resource list
  • Fixed inability to select when using "Link" fields for self-database relations
  • Fixed incorrect colors for global "Disable" buttons
  • Fixed continuous loading of resource directories for regular members when all members were prohibited from accessing node resources
  • Fixed missing "Me (current visitor)" option when filtering "Created By" and "Modified By" in databases
  • Fixed incorrect theme color determination issues caused by official website path changes
  • Fixed repeated jumping of scrollbars due to template center page size changes

🎁 Miscellaneous

  • Added help documentation "Self-hosted Quick Start" for more comprehensive deployment guidance
  • Set default timeout to 300 seconds for "OpenAI - Generate Text" action to improve operational stability and reliability
bika cta

Recommend Reading

Recommend AI Automation Templates

Business Contract Management
The challenges in traditional contract management, such as dispersed information, difficulty in tracking, repetitive data entry, and lack of transparency in status, have been addressed. This effectively helps teams efficiently manage the contract lifecycle, reduces manual operations, and improves data accuracy and team collaboration efficiency
Business Development CRM
A business development CRM template to manage partnership opportunities, track partner details, log interactions, and organize contact information for streamlined collaboration
Content Marketing for SEO
Content Marketing is crucial for SEO results. This template streamlines your strategy, tracks content production, sparks new ideas, aligns content with SEO keywords and audience, and manages campaign workflows.
Contractor / Freelancer Management
The Contractor/Freelancer Management Template simplifies management from screening to completion. Centralizes resource management, links tasks, automates interview feedback emails, and tracks project expenses for transparency and budget control.
Contractor Time Tracker
Contractor Time Tracker streamlines work data management by connecting tables, simplifying task, personnel, and client tracking for improved efficiency and accuracy in managing projects.
Course Scheduling
Scheduling class is a complicated process, involving checking multiple worksheets and preparing timetable. In order to arrange schedules effectively, it is important to centralize all of the information including courses, rooms, classes into one intuitive system.