使用 Bika.ai 开发者 OpenAPI
Bika.ai OpenAPI
Quick Start
Bika.ai's offical JavaScript use beautiful Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) style for your better use.
npm install bika.ai
<em># or</em>
yarn add bika.ai
pnpm add bika.ai
Examples to use Bika.ai offical Node.js SDK. (TypeScript example)
Get Spaces:
import { Bika } from 'bika.ai';
const bika = new Bika({apiKey: '__PASTE_YOUR_API_TOKEN_FROM_USER_SETTING__',<em>// default is:// baseURL: '</em><em>https://bika.ai/api/openapi/bika',</em>
<em>// firstly, fetch your spaces</em>const spaces = await bika.spaces.list();
<em>// now we use your first space as our operations</em>const space = spaces[0];
Find Node Resources (Database, Automation, Folder, Documents, etc.):
<em>// find node resources</em>const nodes = await space.nodes.list();
<em>// get one node resource</em>const node = nodes[0];
const database = await node.asDatabase();
const automation = await node.asAutomation();
Here’s an example of Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations for databases.
Given that Bika.ai's database can handle billions of rows, you can use Bika.ai databases as a fully functional production database, such as for an order table, user table, and more.
<em>// notice, use </em><em>asXXX</em><em>,depends on your node resource type, includes database, automation, folder, and so-on</em>const database = await node.asDatabase();
const records = await database.records.list();
const views = await database.views.list();
CRUD Automations:
const automation = await node.asAutomation();
const triggers = await automation.triggers.list();
const actions = await automation.actions.list();
Here are examples of registering global-scope or space-scope outgoing webhooks (Server Events in Bika.ai).
You can utilize outgoing webhooks to send HTTP POST requests to your callback URL whenever a specific event takes place in Bika.ai.
Use cases include contact synchronization, data synchronization, custom notifications, plugins, and more.
<em>// Outoging Webhooks// Register a Bika.ai server event, and send a HTTP POST request to your callback URL</em>const outgoingWebhook = await space.outgoingWebhooks.create({eventType: 'ON_RECORD_CREATED',name: 'Test Outgoing Webhook',description: 'Test Outgoing Webhook Desc',callbackURL: 'https://your-custom-callback-url.com',
const outgoingWebhooks = await space.outgoingWebhooks.list();
const delteOutgoingWebhook = await space.outgoingWebhooks.delete({id: outgoingWebhook.id});
Here are examples of embedding Bika.ai's UI into your own application.
If you want to incorporate Bika.ai's robust UI for databases, documents, and more, you can utilize the embed link API.
Generate an embed link to obtain a URL, and then use an <iframe>
in your application.
<em>// Embed Links// You can embed Bika.ai's UI into your own application</em>const embedLink = await space.embedLink.create({objectType: 'NODE_RESOURCE',objectId: '__NODE_RESOURCE_ID_YOU_WANT_TO_EMBED__',
const embedLinks = await space.embedLink.list();
const deleteEmbedLink = await space.embedLink.delete({id: embedLink.id});
<em>// ...</em>
Please checkout the Bika.ai API Reference for more API details.
Bika.ai Site-Admin OpenAPI
APITable compatible API SDK (beta)
Bika.ai support APITable compatible Open API interfaces.
That means you can use the APITable's SDK (JavaScript, Python, etc.) to interact with Bika.ai.
Quick start with APITable.js SDK for Bika.ai:
import { APITable } from "apitable";
<em>// Get token from your Bika.ai user setting</em>const apitable = new APITable({ token: "_PASTE_YOUR_API_TOKEN_FROM_USER_SETTING", host: "https://bika.ai/api/openapi/apitable" });
<em>// Get a list of spaces for the current user</em>const spaceListResp = await apitable.spaces.list()
if (spaceListResp.success) {console.log(spaceListResp.data.spaces);
} else {console.error(spaceListResp);
More SDK usage please refer to:


Coming soon

Coming soon