IMAP Email to Support Ticketテンプレートは、ユーザーサポートメールボックス内の顧客メールをリアルタイムで監視し、チケットに変換するための自動化ソリューションです。このテンプレートは、チームが顧客のフィードバックを自動的に収集して整理し、メールの内容を顧客サポートシステムに同期し、担当者に割り当てて、すべての顧客の問題がタイムリーに追跡され、対応されるようにするのに役立ちます
Instructional Design Management
This template is designed for instructional designers and training project managers, helping you efficiently manage employee training development, enhance collaboration across projects, and gather key feedback to improve learning experiences.
Interview Questions
This is a recruitment template for optimizing team hiring. You can use it to create a list of common interview questions, and Automation will actively remind you when questions are submitted, effectively evaluating candidates' management style, cultural compatibility and key weaknesses.
Investor deal flow
This template is designed to effectively manage prospective deals, related contacts, and contact information. It offers multiple views and a simple dashboard display, helping users track deal progress, contact details, and terms