Daily Standup
Daily Standup


Kelvin Poon

It is a short meeting where team members discuss their work from the previous day, what they plan to work on today, and any obstacles that may prevent them from achieving their goals.

📋 Project Management

Included Resources

Standup Brief Mission Automation

Create a standup brief mission automatically at 1 am on workdays and send reminder emails to members at the specified time

Summary Report Automation

Automatically summarize the standup brief submission status at 10 am on workdays and send the report to all members

Standup Briefs

The stand-up briefs of all team members are recorded here.

Daily Standup Dashboard

View the data statistics and charts of the daily standup

Workflow Graph

Workflow Graph

Workflow of Daily Standup

Release Notes

Release Notes

Release notes of Daily Standup

Daily Standup Template Overview

The Daily Standup template facilitates Scrum teams in conducting daily stand-up meetings. It helps teams stay aligned by automating mission creation, tracking progress, and reminding team members to submit daily stand-up briefs. The template ensures that blockers are identified early and that the team remains focused on their goals.

Key Features

  • Automated Standup Briefs: Every day at 1 am, this template creates a standup brief mission for each team member and sends reminders.
  • Progress Tracking: Standup briefs are collected and summarized daily at 10 am, allowing the team to stay on track.
  • Data Visualization: The template includes a dashboard with charts that visualize completion of daily missions.


  1. Go to the BIKA Template Center.
  2. Search for the Daily Standup template and click on it.
  3. Click the Install button to install it in your space.


After installation, the automation features are not activated by default. You need to follow a few simple steps to set it up so that the template functions correctly and members receive daily standup reminders on workdays.

Configuration Diagram of Daily Standup Template

Configure Reminder Reception

As shown in the image above, you can configure the method of sending reminders in the automation. It supports email, Slack, Wecom, and more.

Activate Daily Standup Automation

This template includes two automation: "Standup Brief Mission Automation" and "Summary Report Automation". Once activated, you can trigger the following events at the specified times:

  • 1:00 am: The system automatically creates standup briefs for all team members.
  • 8:00 am: Members receive a reminder to complete their standup brief.
  • 9:30 am: A final reminder is sent before the daily standup meeting.
  • 10:00 am: The system generates a summary of all submitted standup briefs and sends it to the team.

After configuring the reminder method, you can click the "Run Now" button to test if the automation is working properly. Once confirmed, activate the automation, and the template instance will begin working officially.


This template is suitable for:

  • Scrum Master
  • Scrum Team Members
  • Product Owners
  • Project Managers

Use Cases

  • Organize Standups: Ensure standup meetings happen daily and on time.
  • Resolve Blockers: Identify and address obstacles preventing team progress.
  • Track Progress: Use daily standup data to review and adjust the team's direction.
  • Improve Collaboration: Foster transparency and communication within the team.