Business Contract Management
Business Contract Management



The challenges in traditional contract management, such as dispersed information, difficulty in tracking, repetitive data entry, and lack of transparency in status, have been addressed. This effectively helps teams efficiently manage the contract lifecycle, reduces manual operations, and improves data accuracy and team collaboration efficiency

📋 Project Management

Included Resources

Expiration Reminder Automation

Contract Submission Form

Contract Activity


Workflow Graph

Workflow Graph

Workflow of Business Contract Management

Release Notes

Release Notes

Release notes of Business Contract Management

💡Why you should use Business Contract Management

This template addresses traditional contract management challenges such as fragmented information, difficulty in tracking, redundant data entry, and lack of transparency in status. With the automated reminder feature, the team can automatically send email notifications to relevant members when a contract is nearing its expiration, effectively improving contract lifecycle management efficiency, reducing manual operations, ensuring data accuracy, and enhancing team collaboration.

👉 How the template works

1.Centralized Contract Management:

The Contracts table stores detailed information about each contract, including description, category, contract type, status, signing date, and effective date. It also includes multiple views, such as the Contract Submission Form view, Upcoming Expirations view, Contract Status Kanban view, and Documents on File gallery view. In the Contract Submission Form view, each record submitted in the form is stored in this view and then synchronized with other views.

2.Linked Activities Tracking:

The Contract Activity table tracks related actions and requests associated with each contract. It includes fields like Description of Request and Service Requested, with Related Contract and Existing Contract reference fields to link contract activities back to the Contracts table.

3.Improved Workflow Views:

The template offers various views like Contract Status Kanban in Contract Activity, which help teams visualize contracts and activities in different formats (e.g., by category, status, or expiration date) and prioritize tasks based on deadlines or contract phases.

4.Efficient Team Collaboration:

By linking contracts with related activities and using automated processes, the template ensures that all team members have access to the most up-to-date and accurate information. This enhances communication, reduces data redundancy, and boosts the efficiency of contract lifecycle management.

5.Expiration Reminder Automation:

Set up automatic reminders for upcoming contract expirations to ensure timely follow-up.

👉 Who should use this template

Sales, Finance, Project Managers, Management.

👉 Key Features of This Template

  • Centralized Contract Management.
  • Linked Activity Tracking.
  • Automated Reminders.
  • Kanban View and Gallery View.