Expense Tracking
Expense Tracking



Easily manage personal expenses, clearly track every transaction, detail spending insights, simplify daily and household expense management, and gain full control over your finances .

📋 Project Management

Included Resources

Record Receipt Form

Receipt Log

Weekly expenditure reminder

Workflow Graph

Workflow Graph

Workflow of Expense Tracking

Release Notes

Release Notes

Release notes of Expense Tracking

💡 Overview

This template helps you easily track every expense, whether it's personal shopping, household purchases, Keep your spending clear and organized, making life and work more efficient and harmonious.

👉 How the template Works?

  • Users view and manage all receipt records in the Main View, where each record includes essential information such as item name, receipt photo, date.
  • For more detailed entries, users select the Log a Receipt Form to fill out complete receipt details.
  • Based on the predefined automation workflow,The expenditure records will be automatically sent to the user every week.

🎯 Steps to Use

  1. Alternatively, you can use the Log a Receipt Form to provide detailed expense record information (including: Item Photo,Total, Category, and Who Paid). After submission, the record will appear in the Log a Receipt view of the Receipt Log table. Receipt Log Log a Receipt

  2. In the Main View of the Receipt Log table, you can view all expense record information. main view

  3. Set up the Weekly Expenditure Reminder automation to automatically send expense report reminders to consumers each week. Weekly expenditure reminder

👉 Who should use this template

  • Personal users, Financial managers, Business leaders, Team members

⭐ Key Features of This Template

  • Quickly submit each expense record through a form
  • Create multiple views to provide transparent expense tracking
  • Automatically send weekly expense reports via automation